Industrial Services

We help you make sense of a rapidly evolving industrial landscape and plan your strategic direction, supported by in depth analysis of the most impactful market trends expected to move the industry over the short to medium term. 

Key questions we help you answer

  • What are the size and opportunity, obstacles, etc. for prioritising and entering new markets, segments and use cases?

    Who are your competitors, both now and on the horizon?

    What differentiates you from the market?

    What are the main trends shaping your market in the near to long term? Which ones will have the biggest impact on your business and your customers? What are the threats and opportunities relating to these trends?

    How can you build loyalty with your most valuable customers?

    Where should you focus efforts in regard to Sustainability and ESG?

    Where shall you locate your facilities, which productivity levels should you expect and are there any skill shortages anticipated?

  • What does the product landscape look like in your market?

    Which product markets should you be focusing your efforts on?

    How can you design a product that resonates with the customer?

    Which products, features and benefits are most important in meeting your target customer needs?

    Which product features need to be prioritized to maximize your revenue share?

  • Who are your customer segments / user groups and what matters to them?

    What is the ideal value proposition and what’s your USP?

    How do you communicate your USP in the best possible way to new and existing customers?

    What is the most effective way of communicating your value proposition and USP to new and existing customers?

    How do you improve your customer acquisition and retention through messaging across touchpoints?

    How does your Marketing compare to your peers? And what inspiration can you garner from other industries?

    How do you price a solution to optimize revenue, and that is competitive in the market?

  • How do you design your sales and partnership ecosystem aimed at maximizing revenue acquisition and meeting customer needs?

    How should you structure sales and business development teams and incentivize them (based on industry best practice)?

    What does organisational and GTM best practice look like in your industry and adjacent / innovative industries?

We help you understand and plan for

1 What to build

Analysis of current best-in-class practices and peers within your industry of focus and analysis of innovative peers across industries.

2 Where to build

The process includes objective setting and scoping, impact metrics measures and KPI development, performance scorecards, and impact reporting and disclosure.

3 How to sustain and grow your business

The process includes issue identification, fair representation, clear assessment criteria, stakeholder engagement, risk assessment, opportunity assessment, and reporting standards alignment